Bite-Sized Book Notes From → The Artist's Way: A Course in Discovering and Recovering Your Creative Self by Julia Cameron.
Begin with simpler things like writing morning pages if you want to restore your creativity instead of attempting to write a magnum opus first.
Be in touch with your creative self by practicing writing and experimenting new things.
Morning pages will help spark your creativity when you wake up. Just sit down, let your thoughts wander and write whatever comes to mind. Do not worry about making them artistic or brilliant. They are like meditation: shut outside world and concentrate on what you are doing now. If you don't know what to write, write about the fact that you don't know what to write.
The more you explore yourself and the world around, the better artist within you is connected. That’s where knowing as much as possible about oneself and one's environment becomes vital. Remember to search for new sounds, sights, smells or tastes.
Artists do not originate ideas; they only find them out there in the universe. Once this fact has been accepted, no creative blocks will be experienced any longer.
It seems like you are under pressure to come up with a smart idea. Because the fact is that an idea isn’t created by you anymore than a tree is. Like a tree, an idea starts as a tiny seed and all you do is watch over its development.
In all movies, novels, songs, paintings and any other creative works, there are “seeds” out there in space. And when one finds it, he should take care of it. Foster for growth. That’s everything one can do as an artist.
All these traits such as Perfectionism, workaholism and extreme competitiveness will only hinder the flow of creativity into your life.
I hope you found these bite-sized curated notes valuable.